Sunday, September 1, 2024

ARGENTINA | 27-08-2019 13:52

City police officer in critical condition after robbery and shooting

Karina Castillo was shot by two suspects in the face on Monday night, before being rushed to hospital via helicopter.

A City police officer remains in critical condition after being shot in the face on Monday night by two people who stole her service weapon and bulletproof vest.

The assailants later escaped in the neighbourhood of Mataderos. 

Police sources said that at 10pm on Monday night, officer Karina Castillo was robbed and shot, She had left her post when in the corner of Emilio Castro and Miralla streets when she was surprised, assaulted and shot, according to Noticias Argentinas.

Castillo was taken to Santojanni hospital and then transferred by helicopter to Churruca Hospital. 

Police later said the officer had been shot in the face and that the bullet exited in and around her ear. 

Castillo reportedly lost her left eye as a result of the severity of her wounds.

The perpetrators reportedly escaped along Miralla street, before heading towards Rivadavia Avenue. 

Police are now investigating another case that same night, to see if it is related to the robbery and attack on officer Castillo. On Monday night a person was sent to Santojanni hospital after being shot in the chest.



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