Saturday, July 27, 2024

ARGENTINA | 05-09-2019 19:08

Japanese Embassy welcomes new ambassador to Argentina

Takahiro Nakamae, who replaces former ambassador Noriteru Fukushima, presented diplomatic credentials to Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie on Wednesday.

The Japanese Embassy has formally welcomed the Asian nation's new ambassador to Argentina, Takahiro Nakamae.

Ambassador Nakamae presented his diplomatic credentials to Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie on Wednesday, sharing a meeting in which they discussed bilateral relations.

The successor to former ambassador Noriteru Fukushima, Nakamae said in a video posted on social networks (@embajadorjpnarg) that he was excited to return to Buenos Aires. He served as chargé d'affaires at the Embassy in Buenos Aires almost 20 years ago, back in 1988.

"I am very happy to be back in Argentina after almost 20 years, a great country with which the Japanese share a story of friendship lasting more than 120 years. At a global level, we are strategic partners and together with the international community, I hope to move forward on the basis of common values," said the new envoy.

The diplomat, who moves on from a post as the Director of General Affairs of Latin America and the Caribbean at the Japanese Foreign Ministry,also expressed  his desire to "strengthen" the relationship with Argentina.

"I would also like to approach the nikkei community [people of Japanese ancestry living in other countries] and its future generations, to further strengthen the ties between the two nations."

Nakamae has also held posts at Japan's embassies in Iraq and Brazil, as well as a number of other posts within Japan's Foreign Ministry.


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James Grainger

James Grainger

Editor-in-Chief, Buenos Aires Times.


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