Saturday, July 27, 2024

ARGENTINA | 15-04-2023 13:48

Biden's envoy arrives with messages of support for Argentina

IMF support, macroeconomic support and planes – US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman’s visit to Argentina came with clear messages. "There is a programme between Argentina and the IMF and what they are negotiating is something that the United States supports," she told reporters.

The number two at the US State Department, Wendy Sherman made it known during her visit to Buenos Aires, that Joe Biden's government in Washington supports "negotiations between Argentina and the IMF" and that it is necessary to "fix” the country’s macroeconomic situation.

In a press conference with the local media outlets, in which the Noticias Argentinas agency participated, Sherman declared that "there is a programme between Argentina and the IMF and what they are negotiating is something that the United States supports.”

She added:” "I want to congratulate Argentina on the [IMF]  reviews, which are going very well. And I think it's very important to fix Argentina's macroeconomic situation because it's critical for the future of the country in terms of broader reforms.”

Biden's envoy held meetings with Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero, Energy Secretary Flavia Royón and members of the AmCham business chamber while in Argentina. She also made time to visit the headquarters of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) Jewish community, the ex-ESMA Navy Mechanics School, which served as a clandestine detention centre during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship, and even gave a lecture at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

Sherman arrived in Argentina to continue with the agenda drawn up at the White House between Joe Biden and Alberto Fernández and their teams during the president’s recent visit to Washington.

"Our relationship is dynamic, broad and deep," the diplomat told reports, adding that "together, Argentina and the United States can help to provide the world with fuel and food, and our nations will continue to be leaders in the Americas."

Sherman said that she met with Economy Minister Sergio Massa for a discussion about “the economic challenges in Argentina, from inflation and poverty to debt and drought.”

The US deputy secretary of state said the duo also “talked about a more favourable environment for business and investment.”

When quizzed about Argentina's inability to buy fighter jets and the current offer on the table from China, Sherman said that "there are ongoing talks" between Argentina and the United States that "are going in a very positive direction.”

For US diplomats, Argentina is among the "like-minded" countries to be aligned with and with that in mind, the United States is promoting active policies with Latin America.

Regarding Argentina's economic future, Sherman mentioned the US Federal Reserve's rate hike and how it complicates life for the average US citizen, but "sometimes you have to go through some pain to get to the right place."

by Jorge García, Noticias Argentinas


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