Thursday, September 19, 2024

CULTURE | 03-11-2022 18:15

Diversity, trans rights on agenda as porteños prepare for annual Pride March

Members and supporters of the LGBT+ community in Argentina will take to the streets of the capital this Saturday for annual BA Pride March celebrations.

Buenos Aires will be draped in all the colours of the rainbow this weekend as tens of thousands of people take to the streets for the annual Pride March.

This Saturday, November 5, at 5pm, porteños will come together to celebrate the LGBT+ community in Argentina and rally for the 2022 BAPride March, running from Plaza de Mayo to Plaza del Congreso. 

Demonstrators will also be calling on the government to tackle problems ranging from trans rights to greater diversity. This year, the motto is “The debt is with us: Comprehensive Trans Law, Anti-Discrimination Law, Yes to Inclusive Language.”

For more than three decades, residents across the capital have dressed in the colours of the Pride March, with the festivities growing bigger by the year. This year’s event is the culmination of a week of activities intended to honour diversity and celebrate LGBT+ pride. Activities include musical shows, theatrical performances, festivals, fairs, talks and workshops for children and families.

“In this BA 2022 Pride Week we have a new opportunity to demonstrate that the city is a pioneer in terms of inclusion and an activist for the rights of the diverse collective. We will continue working and building spaces where each person can develop, live and feel free,” said Pamela Malewicz, undersecretary of human rights and cultural pluralism for the Buenos Aires City government. 

Since 1992, people in Buenos Aires have celebrated Pride and marched on the first Saturday of November to assert their rights and express their freedom to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. 

Rather than be held in June, Pride Week has been held in November to commemorate the creation of “Our World,” the first organisation for sexual diversity in the country formed in 1967.

– TIMES with agencies

Juliana Guarracino

Juliana Guarracino


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