Friday, September 13, 2024

ARGENTINA | 30-11-2023 18:10

UN praises Argentina’s reparations for victim of gender-based violence

Argentina's government praised by UN body for paying “comprehensive reparation” to 67-year-old mother-of-three for lack of police and court response.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has praised the “comprehensive reparation” by Argentina in a serious case of gender-based violence, according to an official release.

The body celebrated “the satisfactory implementation” by the Argentine state of an “amicable agreement” with Olga del Rosario Díaz, 67, mother of three children and victim of violence at the hands of her former partner.

Protected by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Díaz reported the lack of police and court response in the country in 2017 before the committee “due to deeply rooted stereotypes in court practices.”

Díaz had gone to the state domestic violence office in 2016 to request protection measures for her and her children, but the courts only issued a temporary restraining order against the man who had been her partner for 36 years.

The woman, who was beaten and stabbed once again the following year, was hospitalised in critical condition and only then was her former partner arrested by the police.

Now, after the settlement, the UN Committee filed the case and stated that the Argentine state “had proven the country’s efforts to provide reparations to the victims and to establish measures to prevent future acts of gender-based violence and discrimination against women and girls.”

The settlement between the parties entails the state’s commitment “to ensure full reparations for the victim”, including economic compensation and finalising public prevention policy and support for other victims of gender-based violence, the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity specified in a memorandum.

Argentina has been recognised in recent years in Latin America as a country which has fostered gender public policy, including such legislation as same-sex marriage or the gender identity law. 

However, president-elect Javier Milei, who will be inaugurated on December 10, stated during his campaign that “violence has no gender” and promised to close down the Women, Gender & Diversity Ministry, within public spending cuts.



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