Saturday, August 31, 2024

ARGENTINA | 16-04-2020 15:43

Coronavirus infection peak in Buenos Aires expected to arrive in June

City Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta will not request a loosening of restrictions in the capital, with a peak in infections anticipated for June.

As a result of the national government's implementation of a preventive and mandatory lockdown, officials with Buenos Aires City government believe they have managed to push back the peak of coronavirus infections in the capital until the beginning of June.

However, 'good' data – in terms of confirmed cases and fatalities – will not imply a relaxation of the quarantine since City Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta will not make exceptions. According to Clarín, the City government says that "the curve will occur but at a relatively low and manageable speed.”

They also acknowledge that if testing and the isolation of sick people is well-observed, massive social distancing rules could be partially relaxed.

"For now, we are not making anything flexible, except for what the [national government]  has already establishe – for example, the opening of banks or the freedom of movement for families with disabled people," a source in the Buenos Aires government told Perfil on Tuesday, April 14, ruling out rumours that some shops or businesses may re-open earlier.


After President Alberto Fernández announced last weekend that the nationwide lockdown would be extended, the Casa Rosada opened the door for governors and regional leaders to request a loosening of restrictions. Cabinet Chief Santiago Cafiero will oversee requests and discuss them with officials at the Health Ministry and the members of a special committee created to tackle the pandemic.

Rodriguez Larreta, according to sources, will not present a proposal, seeking to keep restrictions in the City. As of Wednesday, April 15, the mandatory use of "protective elements that cover the mouth, nose and chin" in means of transportation, businesses and public offices was introduced. Those not complying with the measures, which aim to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, will be fined up to 80,000 pesos.


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