Saturday, July 27, 2024

ARGENTINA | 08-10-2019 09:45

Fernández, Martínez hail Argentina and Uruguay's 'indissoluble' bond

Frente de Todos candidate declares he wants country to echo achievements of neighbouring country as he meets Frente Amplio presidential hopeful in Buenos Aires. Argentina and Uruguay will both hold general elections on October 27.

The leftist candidates for the presidency of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, and Uruguay, Daniel Martínez, ratified the close bond between their two nations on Monday ahead of crunch elections. 

The duo hailed the friendship between the neighbouring countries at a meeting this Monday in Buenos Aires, just under three weeks before presidential elections take place in Argentina and Uruguay. 

"The integration of Latin America is very important and must be preserved while preserving the political colour of each nation," Fernández declared after the meeting.

"Latin American unity is a horizon that should never be lost sight of," he added.

The integration between Argentina and Uruguay "is indissoluble," Martínez remarked.

Fernandez is the favourite to win Argentina's October 27 election according to the polls, after defeating President Mauricio Macri last time out in the August 11 PASO primaries. Macri, who assumed office in 2015, is seeking re-election.

Uruguay will go to the ballot box on the same day as its larger neighbour. Martínez, a former mayor of Montevideo, is running for the Frente Amplio ("Broad Front") coalition, which has ruled Uruguat since 2005. Hiis main rival for the presidency is Luis Lacalle Pou, the candidate for the Partido Nacional ("National Party").

Fernandez hailed the ruling coalition's achievements in Uruguay, even going on to suggest that Argentina's should copy the "the 15 years of development that the Frente Amplio" has delivered in Uruguay.

Martínez, who was accompanied by his vice-presidential candidate, Graciela Villar Nuñez, praised the ties between the two coalitions, adding that "we have an opportunity for both of us to develop as a nation and within [the] Mercosur [trade bloc]."


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