BEYOND THE HEADLINES Woke no joke 08-02-2025 06:55 “Woke” has become a pejorative for anything the new right considers excessively progressive, but too few people here seem to have any precise idea what it means.
Analysing Argentina Can Kicillof break the spell? 08-02-2025 06:11 If the current political trajectory stands, Kicillof would face an uphill battle … but Argentina has shown in recent years that "impossible" is not in the local political dictionary. by Marcelo J. García
OPINION & ANALYSIS Trump and Gaza: No laughing matter 07-02-2025 10:01 What Trump wants to happen in Gaza is downright dangerous and could have dire consequences for a region that has triggered one war after another for decades. by David Smith
Analysing Argentina Macri is fighting for his life – he will lose 01-02-2025 08:48 Mauricio Macri is making a desperate attempt to keep his political structure alive — and under his wing. by Marcelo J. García
BEYOND THE HEADLINES Carnal relations and the forces of heaven 01-02-2025 06:05 The Menem Presidency was the closest thing to providing a template for the disruptive novelty of Milei’s administration but the return of Trump to the White House invites new comparisons. by Michael Soltys
Analysing Argentina Milei’s learning curve 25-01-2025 06:48 Milei’s learning curve should take note from his predecessors: too much orthodoxy or unorthodoxy leads to trouble. by Marcelo J. García
OPINION & ANALYSIS Milei and Trump: On Nazis, outsiders and politicians 25-01-2025 06:21 Trump’s re-election blows wind into the sails of the new right, which is seeking to absolutely dismantle progressivism. by Agustino Fontevecchia
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Milei's Marxist culture wars 18-01-2025 06:33 The rise of characters such as Donald Trump in the US, and Milei here in Argentina, is directly tied to their level of political incorrectness and they’ve become equally savage in pushing culturally as far as they can in the other direction. by Agustino Fontevecchia
OPINION & ANALYSIS What the heck is going on with Mark Zuckerberg? 11-01-2025 06:56 There are few doubts that the Silicon Valley elite would benefit from a US president who will ease the regulatory pressure at home while supporting them in their overseas endeavours, particularly one like Trump who has gone on the offensive against the EU. by Agustino Fontevecchia
Analysing Argentina Main Street and Milei Street 11-01-2025 06:26 any process of economic transformation, like the one President Javier Milei is trying to implement, will have winners and losers. by Marcelo J. García
Analysis Midterm elections set limit on Milei’s search for spending cuts 10-01-2025 13:26 Spending cuts in 2024 reached some five percent of Argentina's GDP. Is there room to repeat this feat?
JIMMY CARTER (1924-2024) A good man who lived a good life 04-01-2025 06:26 Before Jimmy Carter, the US State Department would only protect its own citizens if they fell foul of a foreign dictator. But under him, thousands of lives were saved by US diplomacy. by Robert Cox
BEYOND THE HEADLINES Death be not proud 02-01-2025 18:10 Jimmy Carter and Jorge Lanata contrasted in many ways, the one profoundly humanitarian, the other deeply human. by Michael Soltys
GUEST COLUMN New Year’s resolutions: Forgotten items on the list 31-12-2024 17:26 While many of us will celebrate the New Year under a secure roof, gathered around a table with abundant food and drink, let’s not forget in our thoughts and prayers those corners of the world that are facing the consequences of man-made suffering. by Marwan Gill
BEYOND THE HEADLINES Caste away 21-12-2024 05:07 If our parliamentarians are going to be their own men or women, some way must be found of making them fully accountable to their voters. by Michael Soltys
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei, Reagan and the 20% enemy rule 21-12-2024 05:07 President Milei seems to be inverting Ronald Reagan’s equation – as in, disagree 20 percent of the time with me, and you are 80 percent my enemy. by Marcelo J. García
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Milei’s ‘we want it all’ moment 21-12-2024 05:07 We’re early into the experiment. But Javier and Karina, along with star political advisor Santiago Caputo, are already imagining the “Milei era,” which should last at least eight years and include control of the Casa Rosada, Buenos Aires City and Buenos Aires Province. by Agustino Fontevecchia
POLITICS Milei vs Villarruel: Latest episode in ongoing feud 17-12-2024 13:29 In Victoria Villarruel’s camp, there is surprise at the Executive's attitude. A failed attempt at reconciliation as the Casa Rosada’s satellites launch a full-frontal assault on their own ally. by Giselle Leclercq
POLITICS – ANALYSIS A busy week for corruption 14-12-2024 05:37 Edgardo Kueider’s situation is explicit, bombastic. But not uncommon in Argentine politics. by Agustino Fontevecchia
OPINION & ANALYSIS Who was Milei’s audience? 11-12-2024 23:45 With an almost religious hope of 2025 being a growth year, President Milei used his first anniversary address to talk to the ‘círculo rojo’ business establishment and his run-off voters, with no concrete announcements for ordinary people. by Javier Calvo
Analysing Argentina Year one: Milei surpassed expectations, but now faces high ones 07-12-2024 06:51 The question of whether Milei will be an anecdote or a new force that defines an era will largely begin to be answered in 2025. First and foremost, it will depend on the economy, and second — but by no means less important — on the midterm elections in October. by Marcelo J. García
BEYOND THE HEADLINES No quorum, no forum 07-12-2024 05:30 Congress becomes its own worst enemy when deputies and senators refuse to do the work for which the tax-payer remunerates them. by Michael Soltys
MILEI'S FIRST YEAR Milei’s self-congratulatory maiden year 07-12-2024 00:36 A year in, Milei is surfing the wave of popularity, feeling invincible as he receives the constant attention of the international media, which in turn feeds his ego even further. by Agustino Fontevecchia
OPINION & ANALYSIS A year with Javier Milei 06-12-2024 17:00 President Javier Milei’s election last year marked a radical shift in Argentina’s history. We need to retool everything, integrating political analysis with technology and the vision of the world of people who interrelate by looking at screens, turning away from real faces. by Jaime Duran Barba
POLITICS – ANALYSIS The ecstasy of Javier Milei 30-11-2024 05:48 Things look rosy for the libertarians at this juncture, encouraging them to become even more ambitious. by Agustino Fontevecchia
BEYOND THE HEADLINES The protectionist racket 30-11-2024 05:37 While Donald Trump and Javier Milei might be a mutual admiration society, they are moving in opposite directions on protectionism. by Michael Soltys
Analysing Argentina Milei and nothing but Milei 30-11-2024 05:12 If the opposition wants to challenge the President, the best they could do is to try something radically different. This is exactly what Milei did when he launched his political career. by Marcelo J. García
As I see it Green going out of fashion 23-11-2024 06:00 Javier Milei is far from being the only prominent person who thinks global-warming activists have rather more in mind than an understandable desire to prevent the entire planet from going up in flames. by James Neilson
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei and his Doppelganger 23-11-2024 06:00 There may be two Javier Mileis. One lives on Planet Earth and engages with people he said he loathed, and another fights fantasy battles in a parallel reality on social media. Which one will prevail? by Marcelo J. García
POLITICS – ANALYSIS ‘Fat Dan’ and libertarian childishness 23-11-2024 06:00 The childish attitudes of Milei 'troll army' come as the government has regained momentum in opinion polls. by Agustino Fontevecchia
OPINION & ANALYSIS Long live pragmatism, carajo! 21-11-2024 18:04 President Javier Milei is adjusting his rhetoric to the challenges of power – from his frosty exchanges with Lula and his rapprochement with Xi Jinping, to his contradictions with Emmanuel Macron and Giorgia Meloni. by Javier Calvo
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Javier Milei’s obsession with sub-aquatic flatulence 16-11-2024 06:34 Is the economy rising like scuba diver flatulence? It doesn’t really matter, as long as Milei says it does, and a substantial portion of society believes him. by Agustino Fontevecchia
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Move over Javi, the Big Boss is back 09-11-2024 06:24 The return of Donald Trump, the undisputed 'top dog' of the new right, will consolidate a global movement that, up until now, appeared to be somewhat disjointed. by Agustino Fontevecchia
US ELECTION 2024 – ANALYSIS MAGAlomaniac – no Camelot for Kamala 09-11-2024 06:13 Milei does not seem to care a hoot about Trump being politically incorrect but he should worry more about his being fiscally incorrect. by Michael Soltys
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Welcome to the New Political Order 09-11-2024 06:01 Trump’s victory and the Brexit referendum in 2016 marked the first significant political manifestations of a change of order. Trump’s impressive comeback this week appears to solidify it further. The next question is where President Javier Milei fits into this puzzle. by Marcelo J. García
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Zurdos de mierda 02-11-2024 06:52 Language is viral, particularly in hyper-connected urban societies, and is particularly sticky among the youth. Indeed, it is probably the first frontier in trying to permeate the consciousness of a population, and therefore the frontline of the culture war. by Agustino Fontevecchia
ANALYSING ARGENTINA The Caputos spread their tentacles over the Mileis 26-10-2024 05:37 Not so long ago, two Caputos in Milei's inner circle seemed one too many. But now, Santiago and Luis Caputo are working closely in tandem. by Marcelo J. García
GUEST COLUMN Special organic laws and presidential vetoes 23-10-2024 11:20 The total or partial veto of a law should never be used as a tool for conflict, it should only to be understood as an exceptional instrument permitting evidently unconstitutional situations in approved laws to be corrected. by Andrés Gil Domínguez
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei the Great or Milei the Footnote? 19-10-2024 06:44 The problems Argentina faces are too big and too enduring for anyone to solve alone, especially when alienating much of the rest of the world. by Marcelo J. García
As I see it Milei and the uses of fanaticism 19-10-2024 06:23 Javier Milei’s reputation, and with it his ability to rule, depends on his willingness to stick to his fiscal guns, come what may. by James Neilson
Analysing Argentina Milei’s deserved but premature celebration 12-10-2024 06:09 If two highly sensitive issues like pensions and universities fail to gather the two-thirds majority needed to overturn vetoes, President Milei can rest assured that his executive powers will remain intact for another year. by Marcelo J. García
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Veto power! Milei’s ‘caste-like’ adaptations 12-10-2024 06:04 Milei’s libertarians took on two of the most sensitive issues in Argentine politics – our grannies and public education – and successfully came out of the bout on top without sparking an uprising. by Agustino Fontevecchia
POLITICS – ANALYSIS La persuasión avanza 10-10-2024 23:08 The government has long accepted the fragility, both quantitatively and qualitatively, of its legislative strength. But like good bilardistas, they believe that when you win, you win. by Javier Calvo
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Will Cristina Fernández de Kirchner attempt a comeback? 05-10-2024 06:21 As Otto von Bismarck famously said, “politics is the art of the possible.” by Marcelo J. García
OPINION & ANALYSIS The real Nayib Bukele – and his relationship with Javier Milei 04-10-2024 11:09 Despite this week’s attempts to play up ties between their two nations, there are remarkable differences between the presidents of El Salvador and Argentina. by Eduardo Reina
POLITICS – ANALYSIS Is Milei's star beginning to fade? 28-09-2024 06:55 The first economist to become president in Argentina, he is banking on a rebound that has remained elusive thus far. The risks will only increase until people begin to feel the improvement by Agustino Fontevecchia
ANALYSING ARGENTINA No future for Milei 28-09-2024 06:33 President Milei’s first speech at the UN General Assembly was the latest example of the many fruitless symbolic battles that Argentina’s 21st-century Don Quixote chooses to fight to feed his foundational ego trip. by Marcelo J. García
POLLING President's popularity drops – how he ranks against regional leaders 27-09-2024 16:30 Milei’s image falling: in three months, it went down 9.3% in ranking of South American presidents; New CB Consultora poll put Argentina’s President sixth in list of regional leaders.
POLITICS & THE MEDIA Press freedom in Argentina in the age of Javier Milei 21-09-2024 06:43 Milei, a by-product of the media ecosystem, has taken specific actions to curb press freedom, attacking the industry’s finances and limiting journalists’ access to information. by Agustino Fontevecchia
ANALYSING ARGENTINA Milei’s Bermuda Triangle 21-09-2024 06:31 Milei’s political future lies within a triangle defined by inflation, approval ratings, and unemployment. by Marcelo J. García