CRIME & INSECURITY Drug gangs in Rosario threaten journalist, news network 11-03-2024 18:03 Journalist Nelson Castro and his TN news channel team receive intimidating messages after reporting from the south of Rosario.
CRIME & INSECURITY Drug violence and fear paralyse Rosario as security crisis deepens 11-03-2024 17:09 Without taxis or buses and with closed schools: Parts of Rosario, Argentina's third-most populated city, have been turned into a ghost-town after four murders linked to drug-trafficking. President Javier Milei’s government has sent federal security forces to the region to assist efforts to secure the city.
CRISIS IN ROSARIO ‘Armed forces will arrive in Rosario in next 24 hours,’ says Petri 11-03-2024 15:43 Defence Minister Luis Petri in Rosario drawing up new security plans with Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, Santa Fe Province Governor Maximiliano Pullaro members of new crisis committee.
ECUADOR Ecuadorean hate crimes prosecutor murdered 19-09-2022 15:44 Public prosecutor Edgar Escobar gunned down in front of office, the latest in spate of targeted killings.
Colombia 'Packaged' corpses sow terror in Colombian capital 17-09-2022 18:12 Twenty-three plastic-wrapped bodies have appeared throughout Colombia's capital city already this year, a gruesome indicator of ongoing gang conflict.