As anticipated recently by Labour Minister Claudio Moroni, the government’s ban on dismissals and lay-offs has been extended until next January 29.
The news was confirmed on Monday with the publication of Decree 891/2020 in the Official Gazette. Jobs in the public sector are not covered by this decree.
Justifying the intervention, the government said in its decree that even before the coronavirus pandemic, the country was already in "an economic crisis," which was aggravated by the the virus crisis.
"The Covid-19 pandemic has produced a considerable fall-off in economic activity worldwide from which our country is not immune, for which reason it should be understood as necessary and convenient – over and above the particularities of every region – to extend the norms banning dismissals," reads the decree.
"The ban on dismissals without due cause owing to less or no work and force majeure is thus extended for 60 days as from the expiry of Decree 761/2020 (November 30)," it states. The same applies to lay-offs.
"All dismissals and layoffs in violation of Articles 2 and 3 of this decree will have no effect with the existing labour relations and current conditions continuing to prevail," mandates the text in the Official Gazette.
The measure applies to all workers except for those hired posterior to the publication of the decree dated last Monday.
"This emergency will not cost workers their jobs," the presidential decree assures, also explaining that these measures with "the objective of preserving social peace" are "transitory, proportionate and reasonable with the aim of guaranteeing everybody the right to have the opportunity of earning their living by working, thus assuring decent living conditions for themselves and their families."