The government has confirmed that Argentine citizens and residents will use its Mi Argentina app to prove their Covid-19 vaccination credentials when travelling abroad.
An international digital credential of vaccination against Covid-19 was first presented last July. It is awaiting worldwide acceptance in order to serve as accreditation of vaccination for entry into countries that require certification.
As from last Monday vaccination for international purposes will be accredited via the app Mi Argentina, the government said, adding that it had communicated that decision to foreign ministries and immigration and health authorities around the world in order to gain acceptance.
Other countries have also been asked to send their models for credentials to verify the documentation of people seeking to enter that country. As from September 6, the digital vaccination credential inside the MiArgentina app will serve as the official travel document accrediting vaccination against Covid-19 in this country. It will be available in both Spanish and English, with the objective of being presented abroad by those who need to travel to other countries.
The international digital credential of vaccination against Covid-19 was developed by the Secretaría de Innovación Pública under the Cabinet Chief’s office and presented last July, the government said.
Following joint work by the Health Ministry, the Immigration Department, the ANAC (Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil) aviation authority and the Foreign Ministry regarding its implementation as an official document, the bilingual digital booklet with a QR code was placed at the disposal of the official Health Ministry website offering backup information concerning vaccination against Covid-19.
Argentine consulates and embassies abroad were informed of the implementation of the international digital credential by the Foreign Ministry via a circular for subsequent communication to foreign ministries, immigration departments and health authorities worldwide to commence the process of acceptance of credential in different countries.
Other countries are simultaneously required to information on their models of vaccination credentials in order to advance towards the verification of the documentation of travellers wishing to enter Argentina.
The digital vaccination credential of the app Mi Argentina is available to everybody who has been vaccinated on the basis of the data uploaded into the NOMIVAC (Registro Federal de Vacunación Nominalizado) registry, including the name of the vaccine, dose and place of inoculation.
The app is used by over 10 million people. Given the varying requirements of countries for international travel and considering that the World Health Organisation (WHO) still has not pronounced on certification on a global scale, people going abroad are recommended to consult the health measures in force and the documentation required by the destination when making the trip.
How to use Mi Argentina
Mi Argentina is a civic digital profile for paperwork, making appointments, access to credentials and receiving personalised information.
The vaccination credential can be found in the “Mis documentos” section of the app. Citizens may link up to the app their digital DNI identity document, driving licence, car insurance, their credential for ART on-the-job insurance, CUIL, the international symbol granting access to the handicapped, the Tourist Certificate and the credential for the Cannabis Programme Register (REPROCANN), among other official documents.
To start using Mi Argentina you must enter into the page "Quiero crear mi cuenta" of the platform and then "Validar identidad."