The Macri campaign is set to talk up the tough stance it has taken on Venezuela as part of its campaign strategy for the October general and presidential elections.
Government power players will meet today in Buenos Aires City for a key strategy meeting. Officially, the meeting is an Assembly for members of Macri's PRO party, which is the dominant party in the ruling Cambiemos (Let's Change) coalition.
Strategic Affairs Secretary Fulvio Pompeo, who is considered by many to be an unofficial Foreign Affairs minister, with his office inside the Pink House; and the Foreign Affairs Minister himself, Jorge Faurie, will address the meeting. The pair will lead a discussion "about Argentine activity in the Venezuelan situation", according to the official agenda.
The Maduro "dictatorship" is expected be a key campaign point for Mauricio Macri in his bid for reelection, as Perfil reported in January, citing government sources.
The Macri campaign will try to draw strong and regular comparisons between the Maduro regime and former Argentine president-cum-senator Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, a historic ally of Maduro's Chavista movement, who has given her full support to the Venezuelan leader despite the humanitarian crisis the Caribbean country is facing.
Argentina "was heading that direction", will be a typical catch phrase used by the Macri campaign in the lead up to November.
The strategy meeting will take place today from 2pm with a welcome address by PRO party president Humberto Schiavoni, who is also a candidate for the governorship of Misiones province.
Buenos Aires City Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Buenos Aires Province Governor María Eugenia Vidal will also speak.
The party's Assembly will be lead by Provisional President of the Senate Federico Pinedo, and will include six key points.
Among them, the restructuring of the PRO's Charter to incorporate gender parity in party positions, a protocol for responses to gender-based violence and the purchase of a building on Balcarce street.
Vice-Cabinet Chief Andrés Ibarra will discuss the government' Connectivity plan; Senator Esteban Bullrich will deliver a class on Leadership; and Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio and Cabinet Chief Marcos Peña will close the day's activity.