Sunday, October 6, 2024

ARGENTINA | 03-10-2019 16:32

Macri's latest campaign promise: Children will learn English from kindergarten age

President's latest campaign promises are to connect all state schools to Internet and to ensure Argentine children learn English from kindergarten age.

In the latest of his run of daily campaign promises, as the presidential race enters its final weeks, President Mauricio Macri vowed today that should he win re-election on October 27 he will move ahead with plans to connect all public schools to the Internet and introduce new plans to ensure Argentine children learn English from a young age.

The fourth set of promises to date, coming on the back of new announcements regarding employment and gender equality, the Juntos por el Cambio has now focused his attentions on eduction.

In another post on Facebook, Macri promised said such moves would "multiply opportunities" for Argentines in the global workplace.

"Speaking English is today an indispensable skill that personally favours those who learn it. Having or not having a job, understanding or not understanding a text, accessing a scholarship, creating
[business] ventures connected with the world, often depends on knowing how to speak the language," the PRO leader said, adding that tuition in the language would begin from "kindergarten [age] for all students of state schools."

It's not the first time that 

"It will cover the entire territory of the country, even the most remote locations. Classes will be given with a system of videoconferences, in which teachers with advanced knowledge in the language will participate, in addition to the classroom teacher's face-to-face assistance" with the language, he added, saying the scheme would echo that laid out by in the so-called 'Plan Ceibal' followed in the Uruguayan education system.

He also vowed to "connect the Internet to 100% of schools."

"When we assumed [office], no state school in the country had Internet in classrooms and common areas. They were disconnected schools. After an intensive four years we managed to connect 19,000 schools and now we will finish connecting the rest, "he said.



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