Sunday, September 1, 2024

ARGENTINA | 02-02-2018 18:15

In our next edition: an interview with Federico Sturzenegger

Central Bank chief Federico Sturzenegge talks to Jorge Fontevecchia, we investigate the cerveza artesenal craft-beer boom that’s spread across Buenos Aires and preview US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s visit to Argentina.

In this week’s Buenos Aires Times, we feature an interview with Central Bank chief Federico Sturzenegger, investigate the cerveza artesenal craft-beer boom that’s spread across Buenos Aires and preview US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s visit to Argentina.

We begin our edition with our regular round-up of what we learned in the week, bringing you the biggest stories from the last seven days, including President Mauricio Macri’s and the rise in transport prices which kicked in this week.

Drawing our eye toward diplomacy, we’ll preview US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s tour of Latin America. The 65-year-old former oil executive, who landed in Mexico yesterday, will land in Bariloche tomorrow before heading to Buenos Aires for a series of meetings. Tillerson, who gave a keynote speech on Thursday trailing the topics high on his agenda, has already let rip at China and Russia, accusing them of acting like “imperial powers” in Latin America.

In the first of two main features, Isabella Soto explores the craft-beer boom that’s hit the nation’s capital and asks whether the bubble(s) is about to burst – or set to keep on rising…

In our second feature, we bring our readers an interview with Federico Sturzenegger, the head of Argentina’s Central Bank. Jorge Fontevecchia puts the questions, probing Sturzenegger on issues such as inflation, Lebacs, public policy and that press conference on December 28.

In World news, we feature the shocking Associated Press investigation that this week details existence of previously undisclosed mass graves of Rohingya Muslims and shocking details of a systematic plan to executive victims and cover-up crimes.

In Sports, Dan Edwards rounds-up the latest Superliga action, while in Culture, Jacob Meschke brings us a report from the British Embassy’s special Harry Potter Book Night, which took place this week.

Meanwhile, regular columnists Andrew Graham-Yooll, James Neilson, Michael Soltys and Agustino Fontevecchia will offer their take on the week’s events.

All in all, it’s another packed edition of the Buenos Aires Times - pick up your copy inside Perfil, this and every Saturday!

In this news

James Grainger

James Grainger

Editor-in-Chief, Buenos Aires Times.


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