Sunday, September 1, 2024

ARGENTINA | 18-11-2019 14:00

Daniel Arroyo likely to head Ministry of Social Development

Renewal Front lawmaker likely to head ministry, president-elect Alberto Fernández says in interview, implying appointment is all but confirmed.

Little by little, Alberto Fernández is beginning to form his Cabinet. The first name to be all but confirmed is lawmaker Daniel Arroyo, who looks odds-on to be appointed minister of social development. 

A Frente Renovador ("Renewal Front") deputy for Buenos Aires Province, Fernández said in a radio interview over the weekend that it would be "difficult" for Arroyo not to head the ministry.

With less than one month to go until he assumes office, Fernández is drawing up his list of potential officials. Arroyo would take on one of the most important roles in his team, in charge of a hallmark issue for his campaign. 

“Daniel is the person who knows the most about this topic and it’s difficult to imagine him not being tasked with this role,” the Frente de Todos leader said.

Fernández went on to recall a conversation with the head of the Coordination of the Industry of Nutrition Products (COPAL), Daniel Funes de Rioja, during which he told the industry official he would appoint Arroyo to this role. 

During a meeting of the president-elect's Consejo Contra el Hambre ("Council Against Hunger"), the presFunes de Rioja recounted how Fernández had said to him days before that he had to “call Daniel Arroyo.”

“A president has never before asked me to speak with a minister of social development," said Funes de Rioja responded, according to the preisdent-elect

In his interview, Fernández underscored the importance of tackling food insecurity, highlighting the importance the council will take in his administration, which is made up of leaders from various different sectors. 

“It’s time to work,” he insisted. “If we all fight hunger, we are going to be a better society. If we do it together, it will be the success of a people, not the success of a president.” 

Fernández also confirmed he would convene special sessions of Congress to address the issue. 


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