Monday, February 10, 2025

ARGENTINA | 04-04-2020 08:38

Coronavirus pandemic: A note from the British Hospital

The British Hospital has a specific On-Call Alert process designed for patients with suspected coronavirus, aimed at guaranteeing the quality and safety of the incoming patient.

In the context of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the British Hospital in Buenos Aires, committed to the safety and quality of care of patients and the community in general, is complying with all regulations and protocols as outlined by the National and City Health Ministries.

The infection may not generate symptoms, but when they do occur, the most frequent are: fever, along with cough, pain, or respiratory distress. Children, youth and adults usually have a very good prognosis. The virus can bring complications, some severe, to people over 60 years old and/or with certain pre-existing diseases. That is why it is very important to stay at home, to avoid coming into contact with the virus.

People can contract the infection by close contact with another person infected with the virus through respiratory secretions generated by coughing or sneezing, and through contact of the hands with surfaces contaminated with secretions from a patient, which then enter the body by touching your nose, mouth, or eyes.

The way to prevent contagion is easy and simple:

– Wash hands frequently and correctly with soap and water. The use of alcoholic gels is similarly effective. Clean contact surfaces (food, drinks, general purchases). Cough into your elbow crease and maintain a distance of not less than a metre in conversation, and self-confinement.

– Recognise the symptoms and call 107 (CABA) or 148 (Buenos Aires Province). If you travelled in the last 14 days to countries and regions where viral circulation is registered, as described and permanently updated by both local and international health authorities, or if you were in contact with patients infected with Covid-19.

Therefore, in order to take care of everyone, we ask that you take extreme care, and follow all the recommendations issued by the government and health authorities, as well as the regulations issued for this purpose.

The British Hospital has a specific On-Call Alert process designed for patients with suspected coronavirus, aimed at guaranteeing the quality and safety of the incoming patient, and the care of healthcare personnel and the community in general following the protocols established by the National Health Ministry and the WHO.

If you are a member of the Plan de Salud Hospital Británico or the Contributory Scheme, do not hesitate to contact us at 0810-999- 7742 from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm or call our headquarters (24 hours) at 011 4309-6400. Via email: sugerencias@ hbritá

For online procedures visit our website at

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