Thursday, February 6, 2025

ARGENTINA | 30-03-2020 09:57

Argentina records 22nd fatality from coronavirus 

A 68-year-old woman has passed away in Neuquén, officials confirm. Province has registered 12 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus to date.

A 68-year-old woman from Neuquén Province has become the 22nd fatality of the coronavirus in Argentina, officials have confirmed.

The woman was interned at the Chapelco clinic in the Patagonian town of San Martín de los Andes, where she had been hospitalised in critical condition and had received support from an artificial respirator. 

The clinic said in a hospital that the victim was receiving "mechanical respiratory support" had "suffered a picture of acute cardiomyopathy probably related to coronavirus infection," and had failed to respond to "resuscitation manoeuvres." She had entered the clinic on March 27.

Neuquén has registered 12 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus to date. The deceased in one of 820 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Argentina – all the country's provinces have now registered cases, with the exception of Catamarca, Chubut and Formosa..


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