Stolbizer joins forces with Lavagna's Consenso Federal in PASO run-up

Former national deputy and GEN leader campaigned Tuesday with Consenso Federal candidate Eduardo Bucca.

Former deputy Margarita Stolbizer campaigns with Consenso Federal's Eduardo Bucca Tuesday, July 30. Foto: TELAM

Former Buenos Aires Province deputy Margarita Stolbizer has lent her support to the 'third way' proposed by presidential hopeful Roberto Lavagna and his political grouping.

The anti-corruption lawmaker joined forces on the campaign trail on Tuesday for Consenso Federal ("Federal Consensus"), accompanying the party's gubernational pre-candidate. The GEN (Generación para un Encuentro Nacional) leader accompanied Eduardo “Bali” Bucca as he pitched for votes on 9 de Julio and Alberti streets.

“It’s very important that Margarita has joined us because not only is she a recognised leader but she is very respected by the people of Buenos Aires Province,” Bucca told the press. 

Meanwhile, Lavagna, Consenso Federal’s pre-candidate for the presidency, continues to preach his message of anti-polarisation. 

“The political offer is clearly dominated by the two poles and a good part of the press is dominated by polarisation,” the former economy minister told Radio Continental yesterday.

Later Tuesday night, Lavagna joined Bucca for a campaign event in the province.